As I openly advertise, I tailor my proposals to the desires of each client. However, being an experienced photographer, I will not hesitate to point out when what is requested goes against what I would recommend. With regards to shoot durations, I am frequently contacted by private clients who, eager to cover many Paris locations in one sitting, request very lengthy photo sessions. In this short article, I outline why, in terms of shoot time, less if often more…



The Nature of Lifestyle Shoots
Although it may look relaxed and effortless, being photographed, in any capacity, is a high-energy activity. Add to that the fact that for an outdoor guided photo shoot you’re almost constantly on your feet and it’s not hard to understand why fixing a general time limit is advisable: tired faces will literally ruin photographs: when we’re fatigued, we lose interest in the present moment and our faces - the focus of 95% of lifestyle images - convey this all too clearly.

It’s essential therefore to limit shooting durations to ensure that energy levels remain high throughout. My golden rule is that it is immeasurably better to do a shorter shoot at 100% energy than a longer shoot at 50% energy.


But, Can an Outdoor Shoot Be too Short in Duration?
It certainly can. When you book a private photo shoot with me, I’ll often be photographing you within minutes of meeting you, and, no matter how experienced you are in front of the lens, it takes time to build a rapport between a photographer and client. Between the first photographs and those taken 20 minutes into a shoot the difference in how relaxed subjects come across (both corporeally and facially) is always considerable. Therefore, if you’re thinking of limiting a photo shoot to a 1/2 hour, you’ll risk cutting it short just when you’re looking your best.


So What is the Ideal Length for an Outdoor Shoot?

The length of shoot I propose can always vary a little depending on factors such as:

  • the nature of the shoot (e.g. portrait or lifestyle)

  • the amount of photographs requested

  • the availability of a particular client

  • the ages of the clients (e.g. young children’s attention tends to fade a little sooner…)

That said, as standard, I propose shoots of around 1 ½ hours, which allows ample time for clients:

  1. to get relaxed in front of the camera, and

  2. to maintain a high-level of engagement throughout.


What if I Want to Cover More of the French capital?
For those set on being photographed in a variety of Paris locations, it is immeasurably more advantageous to do multiple shoots of standard duration on different days than attempting one big overly-long photo session.

The advantages of multiple separate shoots are numerous. Bear in mind that for each shoot:

  • you’ll be able to choose and focus on a completely different Paris location (without losing any time in transport between locations).

  • you’ll be able to wear completely different attire (which will really add to the variety of the global catalogue of photographs you’ll receive).

  • you’ll usually have different weather and light conditions, further helping to give the photos from each location their own unique look.

  • you’ll always be at 100% energy!
